Lincoln Financial MoneyGuard
Last updated on April 15, 2023
⬇️ Scroll down to view actual Lincoln Financial MoneyGuard® product illustrations for your approximate age & gender.
About Lincoln Financial
Lincoln Financial was founded in 1905. It is a financially strong insurer with a Comdex score of 91/100. It launched its first MoneyGuard long-term care product in 1988.
Lincoln Financial currently offers 3 products:
– MoneyGuard Fixed Advantage (a universal life policy + long term care benefits rider)
– MoneyGuard Market Advantage (a variable universal life policy + long term care benefits rider)
– MoneyGuard II (only for CA) – similar to MoneyGuard Fixed Advantage
About MoneyGuard Fixed Advantage
MoneyGuard Fixed Advantage is a universal life policy with a rider that reimburses for qualified long term care expenses that is designed to meet your evolving needs.
It provides income tax-free long-term care benefits, access to a wide range of covered services once qualified, and legacy protection through an income tax-free death benefit, if long term care care is ultimately not needed.
What are the benefits of MoneyGuard Fixed Advantage?
– 100% guaranteed: not subject to market risk, interest risk, or premium increases
– Issue ages from 40-80 (age is determined by your last birthday)
– Flexible payment options: lock in guaranteed rates through one simple, upfront payment, or pay over time up to 10 years
– Minimum and maximum amount of death benefit: $50,000, $500,000
– Return of premium options: If your situation changes, you are eligible for return of premium. Return of premium options are selected at the time of purchase and cannot be changed later. Option 1 – Basic. Choose to maximize your long-term care benefits with a return of 70% of paid premiums. Option 2 – Vested. Choose to maximize your return of premium with a return of 100% of paid premiums after year 10. The amount of premium returned before year 10 varies according to a vesting schedule.
– Terminal illness rider: provides a one-time claim for 25% to 75% of the current specified amount of death benefit, up to $250,000. This rider is included in the policy at no cost.
– Elimination period: once eligible, there is no deductible or waiting period for long-term care benefits to begin, for any type of care, which lets you access your benefits quickly.
– Couple’s discount: you and your partner each get a discount just for being together. The couples’ discount applies if you are legally married or are part of a civil union or domestic partnership or are in common-law marriage as recognized in the state of issue.
– Inflation protection: your benefits can be adjusted to grow over time, and 3% or 5% compound growth options are available, for an additional cost.
– Benefit Transfer Rider (“BTR”): gives your beneficiary the option to increase their benefits or take a death benefit payout. All policies include the Benefit Transfer Rider at issue for no additional cost. This rider provides beneficiaries, who are also the Insured on a separate policy with BTR, the ability to increase their benefits using a portion of or all of their death claim proceeds. Benefits can be utilized without needing to go through Underwriting. To use the Benefit Transfer Rider, both the insured and beneficiary must be included on existing policies, the rider must be active on both policies, and the beneficiary must be the insured on their policy.
– International benefits: while you are abroad, your MoneyGuard policy benefits may be used for qualified long term care expenses for up to 36 months. International benefits only apply to care received in an assisted living facility or a nursing home.
– Streamlined underwriting: no medical exams or lab tests required. You may be approved after a simple e-interview or telephone interview. Issuance of the policy is contingent upon your answers to a series of medical questions.
Whether you want access to cash to compensate caregivers, or you want to pass on a more meaningful legacy to your beneficiary, Lincoln’s MoneyGuard Fixed Advantage provides customized LTC benefits that can evolve with your changing care needs.
About MoneyGuard Market Advantage
MoneyGuard Market Advantage is a variable universal life (“VUL”) insurance policy with a long term care rider for qualified long term care expenses.
MoneyGuard Market Advantage creates an income tax-free pool of dollars to pay for long term care expenses. It allows your long term care strategy to work more like your investments by leveraging your policy’s investment option performance. Should you not need care, it provides an income tax-free death benefit for your beneficiaries.
What are the benefits of MoneyGuard Market Advantage?
– Issue ages from 30-70 (age is determined by your last birthday)
– International benefits: benefits can be used for qualified long-term care expenses if needed while you’re abroad. This only applies to care received in a nursing home or assisted living facility and can be used for 36 months’ worth of claims.
– Since it’s a VUL, you can select from a broad range of investment options that offer the potential for growth.
– Access to 40+ active and passive investment options from leading investment managers
– Access to target date funds and tax-free exchanges to help keep your investment mix in line with your overall financial goals
Important: with any VUL product, certain fees and costs are involved, including monthly cost of insurance, administrative expense and premium load charges, as well as daily charges on assets invested in the variable subaccounts for mortality and expense risk, and asset management fees. You should consult the prospectus or ask your broker for more detailed information.
The pool of LTC benefits available is based on the result of your investments. There are no guarantees of returns. The potential for growth is there, but there is no certainty. Long-term care benefits are set at time of claim and are based on the specified amount of death benefit and accumulation value in the policy. enefit growth is not guaranteed, and unless on claim, values will increase and decrease daily due to selected investment option performance.
Any LTC benefits paid will reduce the policy’s specified amount and accumulation value. At time of claim, your LTC benefits will be the greatest of: 4x your policy Accumulation Value (LTC Market Value), 2.5x your policy anniversary Accumulation Value, which automatically locks in annually (LTC Protected Value) [assuming the Value Protection Rider is in-force and all requirements are followed], or 3-year initial minimum guaranteed long-term care benefit (LTC Base Value). The LTC Base Value is set at issue and is based on the specified amount of death benefit of the VUL policy.
📄 Lincoln Financial MoneyGuard sample illustrations
Please feel free to download and review the following PDFs:
– LFG MoneyGuard Fixed Advantage F45 $5k per mo for 4 years
– LFG MoneyGuard Fixed Advantage F45 $5k per mo for 6 years
– LFG MoneyGuard Fixed Advantage F60 $5k per mo for 4 years
– LFG MoneyGuard Fixed Advantage F60 $5k per mo for 6 years
– LFG MoneyGuard Fixed Advantage M45 $5k per mo for 4 years
– LFG MoneyGuard Fixed Advantage M45 $5k per mo for 6 years
– LFG MoneyGuard Fixed Advantage M60 $5k per mo for 4 years
– LFG MoneyGuard Fixed Advantage M60 $5k per mo for 6 years
📄 Lincoln Financial MoneyGuard resources
– LFG MoneyGuard Fixed Advantage Brochure
– LFG MoneyGuard Market Advantage Brochure
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